Dadgum, That's Good!
Grilling with The McLemore Boys
Follow The McLemore Boys for some dadgum tasty recipes, stylish merch, and loads of giveaways this summer during the Fox & Firends All American Concert Series!

Meet The McLemore Boys!
The McLemore Boys are a dynamic father/son duo who make grilling and gathering around the family table easy and fun! They both have a passion for cooking outdoors that is contagious. They would love for you to follow their culinary journey and see if you will enjoy and master it as much as they do. Their special relationship is mentored, molded and modeled by none other than John, Sr.’s dad, Dawson McLemore. Some people’s personality just fills up a room when they enter. They just seem larger than life itself. All 3 men love the Lord, their families and sharing great recipes with others. Good food just brings folks together and these men are some of the best cooks around.
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In "Gather & Grill," John McLemore teams up with his son, John II, to create a cookbook that shares their favorite recipes, while encapsulating the McLemore Boys' Southern charm, love for faith, family, food, and the spirit of the great American outdoors.
Mike Huckabee
Huckabee TV
Let me say that I am impressed with the more than 100 recipes, along with the stories, because of the simplicity of prep and the short list of ingredients.
Carlene Phelps
Barbecue News
After Capturing the Attention of “Fox & Friends,” This Dynamic Duo is Grilling Their Way Across the Country.
Amy Bartlett
South Magazine